Review of Starlet

Starlet (I) (2012)
A truly enjoyable, complex and heartwarming film
21 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I will start with the unnecessary (but not necessarily negative) interjection of the adult film industry theme into this film which I feel detracts somewhat from the ultimate story. It is not that adult film performers don't have normal emotions but it just seems distracting from the ultimate story, which is simply the emotional bond that forms between a young woman with an aimless lifestyle and good heart who confronts her own guilt about a wrong she commits against an old woman by undertaking her version of atonement for that wrong.

The plot is deceptively simple, a young woman discovers $10,000 hidden in a thermos flask she buys in a yard sale from an old woman. She then confronts the moral dilemma and guilt of keeping the money and ultimately decides, after hearing that the old woman she bought the thermos from does not need the money, to spend the money primarily on making the old woman happy and seeks out the old woman's companionship. This premise, and the skillful mining of that premise, is expertly accomplished by the talented cast and director.

One or two commenters say the theme has been done before. But what theme or plot has not been done before? It is the trip itself that is the reward and the viewer is treated to good acting, crisp and insightful scripting,and a wonderful ride.

Another commenter thought the ending was abrupt and uncertain. It was anything but. The old woman at the end after learning of the money, in a masterful and understated ending showed her forgiveness for the young woman's guilty errors and heartfelt atonement, and showed her closeness and feelings for the young woman by indirectly disclosing her deepest personal secret through the simple act of asking flowers to be placed on a grave.

I have to think hard to come up with a more masterful ending to a movie then the subtle ending of this low-key immensely entertaining indie film. Highly recommended.
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