I Love Lucy: Be a Pal (1951)
Season 1, Episode 2
oh so this is where white people get it from!
27 May 2013
As an NYC born and raised Hispanic woman I've come across so many people being confused as to what "Hispanic" means, what it "makes me" and why it annoys me when Im referred to as "Spanish". But one thing I always hear from White people, in person or Television is "oh So what part of Mexico are you from?". Do most white people really Think all Latinos are Mexican? If so, THIS episode is probably where they got it From. I know its The 50s and people were more ignorant back Then, but You'd Think with all advancements we have now...they'd know better! I was appalled at the ignorance in The decor of The apartment and the music choice. I can only hope Mr. Arnaz said Something whether They listened to him or not.

That decor is 100% Mexican. The clothing, the music choice everything. Whats the problem? Ricky is CUBAN!! Ugh! Now do you understand the Title of This post? Sigh. Just because both countries Speak Spanish Doesn't mean they Are The Same!

Mind you I'm neither Mexican or Cuban but i hope I'm not The only one bothered by This...
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