Great performance by Fred MacMurray in a sentimental film
29 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this film decades ago (literally), and never forgot it. So I was glad to see it come out on DVD via Olive Films. The original film had pretty good production values, and this transfer to DVD (Blu-Ray in my case) is better than a few of the other Olive Films I've purchased (not that they were bad, but this is better).

One thing this proved was that Frank Sinatra had the potential of being a fine actor (which he later became). After all, in this film he played a priest with deep humility. If Frank Sinatra (of all people) can portray humility through such a character with any success, then he is a good actor. (As you can see, I'm not a fan of Sinatra, the man; but I do admire Sinatra the actor).

But, this is not Sinatra's movie. It belongs lock-stock-and-barrel to a very talented actor who, today, is generally overlooked -- Fred MacMurray. There have been so many times while watching films on TCM that I have marveled at how pleasing an actor he was. Unfortunately, his role in a sit-com ("My Three Sons") and a number of Disney films dimmed his star a bit, but he's a very dependable and fine actor...and that shows here.

His co-star, Valli, was, perhaps, not suited to American audiences, but she delivers a fine performance here, both as her character, and in scenes where she is playing Joan Of Arc.

I guess I'm going to have to reconsider my long held belief that Lee J. Cobb wasn't that good an actor. Recently I saw him in another film and was impressed, and here -- where he plays a film mogul -- I'm impressed again. Frank Ferguson -- a veteran character actor -- is good here as a director. There are a number of other character actors you will recognize, as well.

The story? Well, I guess some would say it's schmaltz...but it's top-of-the-line schmaltz. It depicts an old-fashioned viewpoint about religion...one that I grew up with...so it's realistic for this pre-1950s setting. The film is a tad long...could have been edited more tightly, but that's a minor criticism.

Worth watching, particularly for the skill in acting of Fred MacMurray. Recommended.
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