Game of Thrones: Second Sons (2013)
Season 3, Episode 8
Worst episode of Game of Thrones
27 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Scrub what the above are saying, has anybody seen or watched this episode? This is undoubtedly the worst episode aired in the history of Game of Thrones. Having so many flaws that make it just plain stupid to view. Although if I am an adolescent teenager I might get roused enough to give some praise, even then this episode would still be questionable.

Davos Seaworth is released from Dragonstone Keep's dungeons. All so's he could learn hows to wead. Showing Stannis Baratheon as little more then a pretender, who is about as fickle as his will. What was the point in putting Davos in the dungeon, if he is going to be released without any consequence. Forgive and forget,here have a slap on the wrist. He ate as good as he would have normally this was mentioned. His sons are dead in the Battle of the Blackwater, except possibly those with his wife who aren't on Dragonstone. Well what a result he can now do his A,B,C's.

Daario is a super ninja. How amazing that he gets past all Daenery's Unsullied, Bloodriders and Knights. So he could give head, or get ahead? Yes we are all envious, thank you for the peek.

Deanery's doesn't seem to mind vulgarity about her assets. Slavers are very bad though they get dragon fire, however her slit is open for debate, so long as she gets some... allegiance.

I find despite those above questions. I am in utter complaint at this episode in it's showing of a Whitewalker. I them to be unforgivable and deplorable. Whitewalkers are shown as little more then mindless zombies reminiscent of a very bad zombie horror film. Brains, Brains, Brains or was it Baby, Baby, Baby. Samwell the Craven Tarly, has no trouble defeating the hermit pedo with it's one track mind, or rather a zombie. Making any other Whitewalker seem absolutely harmless. I am bewildered, wondering if they are so harmless. Why was a 600ft high Icewall was constructed to keep them away? People have mentioned saying Winter is Coming, The Night is Dark and Full Of Terrors. Don't worry lads your average mindless craven can kill one, they will just explode. The CGI was so dreadful masked entirely in FX's, watch the pretty snowflakes go Poof, while missing every aspect of that terrible nightmare. That Whitewalker had no fighting style, no weapon, no magic, no intelligence. We are now as viewers super scared quaking at that Ice from a song of Fire. We have seen the dragons and watched R'hllor make baby shadows, then resurrects the mortally wounded. Well, Icewalkers show there ass to cravens so they can get ripped a new one to get shattered. Honestly I am wondering, if it got the baby would it have left Sam and Gilly alone? Because it didn't seem interested in the sword wielder. One can only assume yes, it would have just walked away using it's mighty zombie intelligence. Paranorman had better CGI and was funnier.

This episode aside had some moments with witty dialogue and acting. In expectancy from this award winning show. Cersi - Margaery dialogue. I love those historic exchanges in regards to the lore of Game of Thrones and showing how brutal these characters are in entirety.

3 out of 10. The worst episode in this series, somebody needs a clobbering if that was the best they could do.
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