Review of Blood Oath

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Blood Oath (1994)
Season 2, Episode 19
...And Miles to Go before I Sleep
8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What was great here was that the three original "Original Series" Klingons - Those at least with Names - The Three K's - Kor, Kolath and Kang - Were gathered together 27 years after being in The Original Series to continue their same parts.

But what was needed was a way to get them intimately connected to one of our new DS9 crew. Which One? Odo is 300 years old, but at this point in the series, 1) He didn't know his Age and Origins, and 2) He had been in a bucket or floating in space for most of that time. So, who would possibly have connected to all three of these guys - I Know! Kurzon- Who is now Jadzia!

Problem is, convincing not only the Three K-K-Klingons, but us as well.

From this point on, the Spock-Ness of Jadzia started being replaced by the Kirk-Ness of Kurzon.

So Jadzia had to get not only a Trill Make-up Update, but a Character Update as well. It is not hard to assume that Jadzia, only having been Joined to Dax for a few years - Was more like Jadzia when we saw her step off of the Transport ship in "Emissary" - And that Jadzia is the Spock of this character. There had been no reason for the Kurzon to come out, the memories were there, but the personality was this bland, know-it-all scientist Woman/Girly Girl. Until Now.

It required THIS episode to bring out the Kurzon in Jadzia Dax. And so, we see these three Klingon Warriors- and hey, they've got Brow Ridges now! It was all Kor's fault, drank too much Brishanti Ale. But since we never really got to know the characters of these guys in their Original Trek Appearances, we have to invent how they would be, 25 years after meeting Kirk on the first Enterprise, and 80 years after that.

In fact these Klingons have been elevated to "Da'Har Master" - I guess, the rank of "Old Storytellers" - I suppose, those who keep alive the Stories, the stories Worf would always teach Alexander. So they get to wear great Mullet/Poodle Haircuts and wear Furry Klingon Armor.

But Kurzon-Dax was intimately connected to these guys... Apparently, somewhere in that room at the end of Star Trek VI - At The Khitomer Conference - Were all three of these guys plus Kurzon - Even though in a Brannon Braga Voyager Alternate Universe Flashback story Kang was near RuraPente at the same time. But that's No Problem, see? Cos Braga would just write another Alternate Universe Trek story with Time Travel to explain it. Hell, Braga's Trek Universe and Timeline should look like SWISH CHEESE by now and thank the dead gods of Qo'Nos he was kept OUT of Deep Space Nine.

So what is important here, is not just the Joy of Bringing three beloved and hated Klingon's back - But that Curzon had made a promise to Kang - And Curzon was as Klingon as all three of those guys, to the point where that part of him even affected Jadzia.

I believe in this episode it is brought up that Trill with Spots (Don't know about the Trill without spots, the ones from "The Host" in TNG) are not really supposed to get involved with Prior Life Relationships, people, or even Promises. But Curzon felt so strongly about this, he even caused Jadzia to agree to carry out his Promise.

But we begin to see, even Jadzia loved Qo'nos and Klingons- The Love was part of her as well. The Sisko does not want her to do this, but he cannot stop her. He knows Curzon, he knows Jadzia.

And so The Three K's with Jadzia in Tow plan a bold attack, Jadzia's Science background allows them a way to get into where this "Albino Klingon" is holed up. The Albino's head Alien guard is Chris Latta/Collins who was the Captain of The Paugh in Next Generation "A Matter of Honour".

And so a GLORIOUS battle ensues, two of the K's are K-K-Killed. But neither Kurzon nor Kor do the Klingon Death Yell which Worf always does. Possibly because the Albino was not expected to go to Sto'Vo'Kor - And, they really did not eat his Heart.

Jadzia comes back to DS9 as if nothing had happened- But this Jadzia which came back, was a much different Jadzia then the one who left- For the rest of her time on the series.
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