The Returned (2012–2015)
Butchered by Channel Four.............
11 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Although "The Returned" started promisingly last night it soon became totally disjointed by Channel Four's chopping it up into ten minute segments as they set about their main business of selling cosmetics,alcohol and motor cars. Obviously any commercial TV station has to have advertising revenue,but not at the expense of a new series that needs to establish itself with the viewers. Whatever sense of flow,pace and style "The Returned" may have possessed was destroyed. I certainly won't be watching the rest of the episodes - I may wait for the Boxed Set though. I wonder how the so - called "Creative" executives at C4 justify this intellectual vandalism. Perhaps if they were offered "Guernica" to exhibit they would cut it up into six pieces and allow the spectators to watch each segment for ten minutes then try to make a meaningful whole out of it. The BBC has many faults but at least it does not indulge in that sort of hooliganism. I protest.
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