Man of Steel (2013)
Characters void of character.
14 June 2013
I fell for the buildup hype so much that I went to the "just after midnight" sneak-peek. And after the film was done, I was left with one suspicion - that the reason there weren't more characters in the film is because David S. Goyer (screenplay) must have run out of cardboard from which to cut them.

Action movie fans may like the action sequences in this film. But I felt no sympathy for any character. It was almost as if I was watching an old-style movie about zombies ... trudging through their roles until the movie reached its conclusion. Normally, I doze off during soulless films like this. But, I forced myself to stay awake ... hoping to catch even a glimpse of "depth" or "flesh" given to any character. Didn't work.
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