Sigh, I wanted to like it even more but I was disappointed.
18 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't very easy for me to find this Mucha Lucha movie since I live in Sweden. I couldn't get the DVD and nor was it shown in the Scandinavian Cartoon Network I guess. But finally this year I was able to find Mucha Lucha The Return of El Maléfico on YouTube and since I didn't have any interest to watch anything else on YouTube I thought why not?

Before my opinion I'll explain to everyone first of all that I used to watch Mucha Lucha when I was younger and was one of my favorite. Now many years later I can see why people didn't really like the show. I personally don't think it's the worst cartoon of all time but the animation was indeed flat and simple. The situations and the tag-lines were extremely repetitive. And the comedy was also flat and didn't make sense sometimes since I watched some episodes right now. But did it stop me to see the movie? Nope I wanted to see it for myself and experience at my own view of movies. And since I love animation I wanted to see if this was a go.

So how was it? It was just like the show the characters were the same without any changes of personality and stories. But the movie felt extremely fast and it tried so hard on the jokes. Some worked and some didn't. I think the creators stayed true to the movie with the characters and the stories. The main villain was pretty impressive compare to the other villains that appears on the show. This one was much more serious, of course not the most evilest villain iv'e seen but quite good level especially for the show.

But the show was also pretty pathetic and some plots had some pathetic and irritating conclusion or twist that could have ended on a better way.

(SPOILERS!) Yes I know that the cartoon and the movie is aimed for children, but c'mon why should we show the children an animated movie with a pathetic twist? That's exactly what bugged me in the end of the movie. It wasn't exactly bad, it did end well for the protagonists but for the villain? The twist didn't really felt it made any sense at all. It is very hard to see if the creators wanted to give us an another way of comedy? I thought it was pathetic. But I'm glad to see how the protagonists got what they deserved.(END OF SPOILERS)

I wish Mucha Lucha The Return of El Maléfico could have been better and perfect. If it wasn't for the pathetic twist I would have given this at least a 6. While I don't think this is the worst animated movie ever in my life but I would not recommend it to the non-Mucha Lucha fans. Maybe only made for the hardcore fans.
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