another classic comedy from 1930
18 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I definitely liked it.Produced by low budget Tiffany studios,who' only big budget film they ever did was Mamba,which has not been restored yet.But this early 1930 classic was definitely funny.Paul Hurst,who looks like he could be W.c. Fields brother and who's face got shot by Scarlett in G.w.t.w.,plays a cop,who is so soft to those who are violating speeding laws if they are going to meet their fiancé.He allows Rex lease to meet his fiancé in the airport.Sam Hardy,Rex s boss, is mad with him because Rex bounced a check .He decides that he's going to call the police on Rex,but, discover that he's going to the air port.So he and his secretary and Paul's girl friend,played by Nita Martan, confronts Rex at the airport,only to explain about his inheritance from his uncle ,played by Charles Sellon,that he has to be married in order to inherit 800 thousand dollars and that he was waiting for his girl friend ,played by Vera Reynolds,to show up from the flight,but she's late.So Sam suggest to use his secretary as a substitute to get th inheritance.This is when the old haunted house story come in.The movie looks like the way the now lost talking remake of Cat in the canary might have looked.The Uncle ,being in a wheel chair Rex s Aunt Mary,played by Dorathea Wolberts.Well, Lease and Hardy and Nita shows up with lease lying to his Uncle that Nita is his wife,but, every one is waiting on Lawyer Winstead,played by Harry Todd,and he hasn't showed When Paul Hurst show up,after Lease ran him down and knocked his motorcycle down,Mary invites him too to spend the night,this is Rex has to hide so Paul won't catch him and Nita has to hide too case Paul is jealous and gets violent .Finally Vera shows up at the haunted house with Robert Livingston,aka Bold Caballero,engaged to be married,which angers lease,but ,is forced to pretend to be married to Nita,to get th inheritance.Then Nita really want to get married to Rex for his money and he doesn't like that .So everyone is having to spend a night in that haunted house ,but a scream is heard out,and a bob cat keeps coming into the house,Nita is missing,but, Rex is glad.Rex finally convinces Vera that he was not really married to Nita ,but,was a substitute cause she was late.It turn out that the lawyer was in the cellar unconscious and the uncle disappears.As the now conscience lawyer tries to marry Rex and Vera before midnight to inherit the fortune,now she disappears.Paul is searching the house to find out whats going on.Rex finds Vera in between the wall,of the haunted house tied up.Both can't get out of the walls yet.The lawyer ends up marrying them ,while they are still in between the walls.It turns out that the uncle set all this up cause he wants the inheritance for himself.Nita is found inside a grand father clock and Paul beats up Sam,but,decides not to put charges on Lease for knocking his motor cycle down.One of the interesting early film comedies of the early 30's 06/19/13
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