Starrcade (1989 TV Special)
Starrcade of two tournaments
19 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, we have 2 tournaments!

1. Doom Vs. The Steiner Brothers 6.5/10

2. Sting Vs. Lex Luger - Mmm, strange ending. 6.5/10

3. Doom Vs. Road Warriors - Lol match 5/10

4. Great Muta Vs. Ric Flair - Heh matches are too short. 5.5/10

5. Steiner Brothers Vs. Road Warriors - Good match, but idiotic ending with screwed pin fall. 7/10

6. Sting Vs. Great Muta 6.5/10 7. Wild Samoans Vs. Doom 5/10 8.Lex Luger Vs. Ric FLair 5/10

9. Wild Samoans Vs. Steiner Brothers - Scotty with Frankensteiner! 1989! Lol at ending 6/10

10. Wild Samoans Vs. Road Warriors - Winners of the tournament are RW. 6/10

11. Sting Vs. Ric Flair - Finalmatch, naja, Sting wins, like always. 6.5/10

Matches weren't bad, but these non-elimination tournaments wasn't so entertaining, I don't know.
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