Elevator (2008)
terrible movie
20 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The entire premise of this movie is stupid, what kind of idiot teens wander into an elevator? Also, the fact that they can't get out, how did they get in in the first place? It makes no sense.

Also,the plot says they last what? Six days without food or water? Last I checked that's physically impossible, and every time you think one them is dead they start moving and the next thing you know there dancing or sitting there talking. I Don't understand how this makes any sense.

In addition the filming is terrible. I realize they were on an extremely small operating budget, but, I've made better videos with nothing more than a relatively cheap video camera and some friends.No cinematographer no fancy microphones, no microphones at all in fact and the videos still come out better than this awful movie.

not impressed, total waste of 85 minutes
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