Hideo Nakata returns with a creepy supernatural horror film
26 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The director of this film, Hideo Nakata, is most famous as the man responsible for Ring (1998). That film proved to be one of the most memorable and iconic of all Japanese horror movies. And one of the most terrifying. So it was with great anticipation that I approached his new horror film, The Complex. It tells the story of a girl called Asuka who moves into a new apartment complex with her family. She quickly hears rumours that it is haunted and before long sinister unexplainable events begin to occur.

The first impression is that this isn't of the standard of Ring. It doesn't have the incredible original central idea that underpinned that one and made it so creepy. However, like that one, The Complex takes its time building an atmosphere of dread that culminates in a pretty intense finale. Events build up piece by piece – an elderly neighbour is found dead next door, strange sounds are heard in the night and Asuka's parents seemingly have the exact same conversation each and every morning. The latter event is a clue of sorts, as it soon becomes apparent that Asuka's family all died in a bus crash leaving her the sole survivor. The conversation that she continually hears is the one they had on the fateful morning. The very fact that Asuka is not immediately aware of the impossibility of her parents living in the same house as her suggests that she may in fact be psychologically damaged. Are all the subsequent events in her head too? It's difficult to say on a single viewing but whatever the case, the supernatural events surround a little boy who it turns out is a malevolent ghost. He was tragically killed while hiding in a bin during a game of hide and seek and he now takes vengeance on the inhabitants of the complex where he once lived. In a similar way to traditional European vampire lore, he can only cause havoc on a person if they willingly let him into their home. Needless to say, one night he is given a chance to exert his evil; the very same night that a spiritualist attempts to exorcise him in an elaborate ritual.

While The Complex is not of the standard of Ring, it still remains a very effective horror film. There is some potent imagery, particularly in the latter stages. While the combination of the supernatural ghost story with the psychological workings of the protagonists mind is done well and ensures that this is a film that would invite a re-watch.
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