Zaat (1971)
Jaw-droppingly bad, but not the worst movie I've ever seen
26 June 2013
A lot of people were exposed to Blood Waters of Dr Z through MST3K, myself included. The episode wasn't one of the classics, but it was funny and summed up very well what was wrong with the movie. The movie itself is one of the kind that makes your jaw drop just at the thought of it. The underwater photography is not so bad, beautiful is not how I describe it but it is the asset that is the least amateurish regarding Blood Waters of Dr Z. The rest is amateurish through and through, and the flaws are so numerous that the underwater photography is not enough to salvage. The rest of the camera work and editing though is nauseating, it hardly ever is still, and even for a genre movie the movie's colour scheme was much too drab. The monster was very non-threatening and looked ridiculous, not many movies I've seen recently have had a monster that looks like a man masquerading in a monster suit like he's at a fancy dress party but Blood Waters of Dr Z gives off that vibe in a painfully obvious way. The soundtrack is equally monotonous, with a song that is dull and really quite stupid, and it is one of those soundtracks that actually sounds as though it should be somewhere else. The dialogue is laughably cheesy and stilted, made even worse by the vapid and really annoying voice-overs, the attack scenes have no suspense or vitality(they are actually done so badly that I even couldn't deem them as unintentionally hilarious) and the story- the kind that is good concept-wise but badly executed- is senseless, filled with the brim with things left hanging there with no explanation and full of interminably plodding exposition and no sense of dread at all. The characters are annoying and undeveloped, often coming and going with no reason as to doing so, and the acting is just laughable from all involved. Overall, I've seen worse but that's saying a huge amount as Blood Waters of Dr Z is still terrible, one of the lamest monster movies almost certainly brought to celluloid. 1/10 for the underwater photography only. Bethany Cox
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