Ironside: Memory of an Ice Cream Stick (1968)
Season 1, Episode 17
Duel Loyalties
28 June 2013
***SPOILERS*** It's when just released from prison Sam Noble, Mel Scott, was hauled in for questioning in the murder of a local mob boss that Robert T. Ironside's, Raymond Burr, driver and all around handyman Mark Sanger played by Don Mitchell, who was at the interrogation, eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Sam turned out to be Stanger's role model back in the "hood" or neighborhood when he was growing up. The two hit it right off as if the years, 12, separating them just melted away in a flash. It's Ironside who sees right through Noble and in his own way tried to keep his friend Sanger from getting corrupted by him before it's too late.

No matter what Ironside does Sanger can't keep himself away from Noble who's in fact using the misguided young man for his own selfish and criminal purposes. But before he does he tries to win him over which isn't that hard since Sanger has by now fallen for his con job hook line & sinker. Making like he's going straight and getting an honest job for a change has Sanger, but not the wise Ol' Robert T. Ironside, believe all the garbage he feeds him. As it soon turned out Noble is going straight all right straight to San Quentin or even better the city morgue and he's taking the not that bright, in his intentions, and very impressionable Mark Sanger along with him!

***SPOILERS*** It's a case of tough love on Ironside's part that gets his friend to finally see the light but by then he's under his "hero" Sam Noble's complete control. Kidnapped and held by Noble as a hostage until Ironside can get him free passage out of the city has Sanger realize what a fool he really is. It's takes some time and a hail of bullets to free Sanger from Noble's grasps but in the end he realizes who his friends really are. People like Robert T. Ironside who took him off the mean streets of Okland & Frisco and made a law-abiding and productive citizen out of him. Not a hoodlum like Sam Noble who'ed end up dragging Sangar back down into the mean and deadly city streets that his good friend Ironside rescued him from.
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