Great movie to watch in light of the Paula Deen scandal!
1 July 2013
The use of the n-word is so common today that it's almost mundane. Blacks use it, whites, Asians, Latinos, etc. Have we forgotten that it is one of the most heinous words in the English language? Watch this great movie in order to see how the word is so hurtful and scathing. Both Whoopi Goldberg and Sissy Spacek are beautiful in this film. They are outstanding actors! The bond between their characters predates the bond between Minny Jackson and Celia Foote in "The Help". Everyone should see this. Stop using the n-word, no matter what colour your skin is. The circumstances of this film happened not that long ago; but so many of us don't realize what it's like to not be able to sit where you want on the bus, or to drink from whatever fountain you please (fountains are dirty anyway! I once saw a man in the park let his dog drink from it lol). Please watch this movie so that you can have more compassion for people, no matter what their background!
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