Accelerator (2000)
Gone In 60 Seconds Meets Trainsporting . What About Ya ?
4 July 2013
It's a British mainland stereotype that everyone in Belfast has a criminal record , wears a balaclava and carries a gun . So how does film from the Republic Of Ireland begin ? With a character driving a car being chased by a couple of hooded men carrying baseball bats . Never mind the Good Friday Agreement if ACCELERATOR doesn't unite everyone in Britain and Ireland in to Belfast stereotypes nothing will

I didn't understand the opening scene . It's obvious the men after the protagonist Johnny are paramilitaries , probably loyalists ones judging by the colours the railings are painted as Johnny runs to his home but feels the need to burn the car he has stolen . Hmmmm if you're getting pursued by a kneecapping squad of the UFF why bother to burn the car . I mean it's not like the UFF are going to send out a forensic team to take fingerprints is it ? I guess the RUC might but wouldn't an experienced car thief like Johnny be wearing gloves ? I suppose the logic of this scene is that the film wants to get off with a bang literally

After setting up this scene the film meanders around . Characters come and go and say " What about ya ? " and " what about ya ? " and " what about ya ? " which is the only comprehensible dialogue in most of the film . Since it's produced in Dublin I often thought the characters were talking in Irish Gaelic

The rest of the film is a rather uneasy mix of GONE IN 60 SECOMDS and TRAINSPOTTING but lacks the star charisma of a Robert Carlyle . That said it does portray lower working class alcohol obsessed Celtic culture relatively well , but of course being set in Ireland someone has to pull out a gun some point . What about ya ?
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