Cathy's Curse (1977)
So many spoilers you'll never have to watch this movie...
6 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"There's something wrong with this house, I just can't explain it." Well, hopefully I CAN explain this garbage well enough to spare most of you the intestinal pain it caused me. Here we go, I'm sorry...

Title card (a badly painted piece of card-board straight out of a silent film) flashes (and I MEAN flashes. One has about 1.5 seconds to read what it says) on the screen. It tells us that a mother is leaving her husband and daughter, but taking her son with her. Boy, talk about favoritism. Bad cut to daughter crying on her bed holding a tragically ugly doll (that looks like an over-grown version of either the Living Dead dolls or the ones that go to Monster High.) She's explaining to her father what the audience just read on the card. Father grabs (10 year old?) daughter by the arm screaming what a BITCH her mother is. Bad cut, again, to another title card telling us father and daughter are in hot pursuit of wife and son. Why? Do they really want this bitch back? Bad cut, (Oh, I can't keep this up. All the cuts are bad. The entire film. Hey, I'm all for hiring the handicapped; but getting Helen Keller to edit this movie was a really bad idea.) Suddenly a rabbit hops across the road in front of the car. Daughter doesn't want daddy to hit it so she pleads with him to swerve out of its path. The car has reached the dizzying speed of 5 MPH at this point and tumbles, ever so gently, approximately 6 feet down (not even the entire length of the car) into a ravine. Because of this "impact" the doors seem jammed and the hood is on fire. But-Yay for the bunny! The daughter and dolly are conscious, but poor daddy has left this earth... and the movie. (Lucky bastard) Girl naively tries to wake her father. Does she try another door? NO! She screams, the flames get higher, and I guess she dies... because then the movie cuts to twenty years later.

The original mother has passed on but George (the son she took with her) has a wife and daughter. The new family moves into the old house. Wife's name is Vivian, daughter's name is Cathy (the titular character.) Cathy is near in age to her dead aunt (insert bad Pink Panther joke here) Laura (the girl that died in the crash.) Cathy explores the house one day and finds a doll (the ugly one that used to belong to Laura) up in the attic. It looks OK considering it burned in a car twenty years ago, except its eyes are now sewn shut. (Which makes it even SCARIER) Cathy becomes possessed by the spirit of Laura living inside the doll.

Possessed Cathy takes out a few people. Mostly women because Laura, the possessor, was told all women are BITCHES. Cathy starts with her mother, Vivian (who has already had several nervous breakdowns). Cathy never gets around to killing mom. What she does is vanish and reappear a few times, make a stairway and light fixture shake, and misbehave a tad. This is enough to send mommy back to the loony bin. A nanny steps in for a moment, but Cathy mentally pushes her out of a second story window. Making it look like a suicide. Cathy then turns her attention to caretaker Paul. One night while daddy's at work (a construction job we never see him at) she gets Paul drunk. A very easy task. She then makes Paul hallucinate rats, spiders and snakes. (Oh my) None of the creatures does anything to hurt Paul, but he is distressed by it. Cathy teases Paul outside with the doll. You see, Paul is convinced the doll is evil and must be destroyed. After running ten feet Paul falls to the ground and has what appears to be a stroke. He's not dead though. Probably because he is a MAN and therefore not a BITCH. There is a woman medium that visits Vivian for tea. Medium holds a picture of Laura and her father and proceeds to speak in tongues, shaking and wailing. When Vivian gets the picture out of the mediums hands it's as if nothing happened. This medium comes to visit Vivian one night (not knowing she was back in the bin) and ends up in the attic where Cathy is throwing her voice to sound like her mother. Medium sees Cathy, a portrait of Laura, and Laura's mother- who tells Medium to leave the house and never come back. (Sound advice) Then there is a very loud noise that causes Medium to cover here ears and run from the attic.

Phew. This is how it ends. Mom takes a bath that, in her mind is filled with blood and leeches. She dries off, puts on a robe and heads downstairs to confront Cathy. She, also, is convinced that the doll must be destroyed. Dad is just getting home from work and the house won't let him in. He breaks a window and steps inside. Cathy is between them in the dining room. Her face looks badly burned and she's insisting on being called Laura. Mother grabs doll from Cathy and rips the stitches away from its eyes. A few bottles and mirrors burst, there is a super imposed face of Laura over the front of the house that fades, and then it's all over. Cathy covers her face with her hands, then takes them away to reveal she is no longer burned (possessed). She reaches toward her mother and whimpers, "Mommy." Credits roll- Thank God!
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