Review of Viva

Viva (II) (2007)
No, Just NO! I've Watched Porn With Better Acting Than This!
7 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the bleep Anna Biller was trying to achieve, or whether or not she achieved it, and quite frankly, I don't care. The script is stilted, the acting is wooden, and I think it's done on purpose, for comedic effect, and yet it's not funny, it's not sexy, it's not interesting, and Anna Billers saggy tits in combination with her potbelly do not make up for the lack of plot in this piece of crap movie. Anna Biller has reportedly said that if film ceases to exist she will stop making movies. Please, people, let's all switch to digital. She has a production company, fercrying outloud! Someday, the courage of men may fail, and the bounds of fellowship might be broken; but let it not be this day! This day we fight against mediocrity in film!
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