Whodunnit? (2013)
4 July 2013
I was very excited to watch this show after having seen the commercials for it. I love Clue (the game and the movie) and could not wait to see how well it translated to television.

I'm not sure I have ever been so let down by a TV show. Not only is the show extremely campy and clearly heavily staged, the faux deaths were beyond absurd. The show has the typical silly "reality" show drama, which I can overlook as I accept that that is just what is considered good TV by those who put these shows on the air.

After watching the first episode, my better half vowed that we had wasted an hour of our lives and that I should cancel the automatic recording, but quite frankly, I forgot. I watched the second episode, hoping things would improve, but I found it all even sillier.

There is a lot of potential there, but this show feels more like a scripted show being marketed as a reality show. I do hope that either someone else makes a better version or that (should this horrible show get renewed) the next season is done better.
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