Review of Deadpool

Deadpool (2013 Video Game)
Deadpool is a rental at best, it could've been so much better
5 July 2013
Honestly the reviewers on here who are saying that Deadpool is a great game and that it "delivers" really must have low standards, either that or they're just making excuses for something they spent $60 on. Sadly there's a reason this game is getting mediocre to slightly above average reviews across the board. Deadpool can be entertaining sure, but this is 2013 and the gameplay and graphics are just like stuff we've seen on Xbox 1 or even PS2. Underdeveloped lock-on system, average at best graphics and character models, basic hack and slash swordplay, mediocre platforming, and generic levels and level design. High Moon really could've done a lot more with this game and made it one of the best and most unique 3rd person shooters on 360/PS3 but they just threw this together and didn't try to innovate at all.

There are definitely a few good sequences and a couple really creative/entertaining ones but the base gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. Mostly just repetitive shooting and hack and slash against waves and waves of enemies(Who all have the same health bars above their heads). Some of Deadpool's jokes and movie references are great while others just fall flat/are completely stupid so his character alone isn't enough to redeem the game. Deadpool is the definition of a solid rental or a budget priced game, (and even then its still nothing amazing) but for $60 its almost a joke. I've only been playing the game off and on for two days and I'm already on the last level and there's no multiplayer, just a few mediocre challenge maps based on levels from the campaign so there isn't even any real replay value. Its really a shame, I was looking forward to this game since I've liked High Moon's games in the past; Darkwatch was pretty good and the Bourne Conspiracy game they made had solid shooting and hand to hand mechanics, so I know they're capable of making something better than what we got. It seems like they just didn't put in the effort this time around.
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