Review of Jacob

Jacob (I) (2011)
An Accidental Comedy
8 July 2013
I saw this crud last night on Netflix last night and developed intense nausea for the next 12 hours. Seriously, what the heck were the director and editors thinking? The whole movie screamed KMart budget starring the people of Walmart Cast. The acting was downright insulting and often times hilarious with over-exaggerated facial expressions and deadpan deliveries. If that wasn't bad enough the voice overs were off as if the whole movie had been dubbed and dubbed horribly, it was very distracting and just echoed the lack of acting talent the cast possessed aside from Sissy and perhaps the Sheriff. I've seen better acting at 1st grade school plays, the acting was seriously that terrible along with the uninspired dialogue between the characters. Perhaps the budget went more toward the makeup and blood splatter which was a bit better than I was expecting considering how cheap and amateurish everything else was. The plot.........*sigh* Jacob gets mad, Jacob hurts people....something about demons thrown in (it wasn't explained well at all and made absolutely no sense), comedic violence ensues....FIN. Please save yourself the pain and agony this movie will cause, avoid it like the plague.
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