A refreshing Russian gem
8 July 2013
I've never written a review on here before, as most of the movies that I liked were already pretty well covered, and also, I am quite lazy when it comes to these things. However, after visiting the IMDb page for "Inadequate people", I was immensely irritated to see that, even though the film has a decent score (7.3 at the moment), it has only 3 reviews, of which two were clearly written by bitter people (I'd use a different word, but I don't want this review to be rejected by the site) who were either having a bad day, or just generally wouldn't know what a quality movie was, if it hit them in the face.

The first thing worth noting about this movie is that the posters (I've seen two of them) do not do it justice, and neither does the trailer. Believe me, I know that modern Russian films can be quite empty and superficial, not to mention get lost in translation. If judging by the aforementioned promotional material, one would probably guess that this is just another weak attempt at comedy, with a plot along the lines of "schmuck falls for hot teen girl". Luckily, this couldn't be further away from the truth. What awaits anyone who decides to watch this nifty little low-budget movie is a sweet, somewhat unpredictable story with well-developed characters, with whom we are acquainted slowly and spontaneously, without anything being forced upon the audience, and, in my opinion, very good pacing and familiar, indie style cinematography, that I'm not used to seeing in Russian flicks.

If I had to point one thing out in particular, it is the terrific acting by both leads, and the fact that their characters might be the first that I've seen in these "troubled people from different backgrounds and demographic groups find something in common" films, who are not annoying in their attempts to show how troubled they are. They get close to that at times, but they are generally very human, and show some quite endearing qualities. I'd even say that the story is constructed in a way that it sort of leads you into falling for the female lead, after initially finding her slightly irritating. If all this does sound familiar, don't worry, it was not done in a cliché way.

No movie so far has made me actually sit down and write a review for it, so I hope this will be the best possible indicator to how much I liked "Inadequate people" and how emphatically I recommend them for viewing.
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