Mannix: The Girl Who Came in with the Tide (1969)
Season 2, Episode 17
A bit weak
10 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The show begins with a woman's body washing up on the coast. A bit later, Mannix is at the morgue looking at the bodies for some case and notices the corpse that washed ashore is familiar--it's the girlfriend of a lawyer Mannix has reason to hate. And, since Mannix would LOVE to see this lawyer (Lloyd Bochner) get hurt, he decides to investigate further. Unfortunately, Mannix's judgment is so impaired because of this, he seems unwilling to consider any alternative--and both Peggy and Sgt. Tobias (Robert Reed) think he is too involved to be objective. After all, Bret Nichols (Nancy Kovack) could also be the one who is responsible for this death and Mannix hasn't even questioned her. So who is at fault for this well as one other than soon is discovered? And, is it true that for once Joe Mannix is totally off base?

Overall, this is only a fair episode mostly because of Mannix's lack of objectivity. This ONLY would have worked had the lawyer been innocent--otherwise it just makes Mannix a know-it-all Mr. Smarty-pants. It also features hunches and gut feelings as opposed to good old fashioned investigating. As a result, the who is a bit weak.
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