Review of Neram

Neram (2013)
Good movie that will probably be forgotten soon.
13 July 2013
The movie was a good experience as I saw it, but I left the theatre without carrying any emotions with me. I am addicted to the emotional drugs that movie makers induce in me as I engage in their movies, I am no movie critic. When I think in terms of the photography, sound, cuts and other things I feel it was perfect enough to prevent any distractions, I say this because I don't know to evaluate in any other way. As I watch a movie I could see only one graph as a result, my emotional graph which represents how I am feeling. Through out the movie the graph had discreet but good plots, It was great if it was continuous. The emotions and graph just stopped with the movie's END. I usually hate that and want the graph end slowly and I should carry a bunch of emotions as I leave.
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