Review of Phantom

Phantom (I) (2013)
Decent sub thriller
14 July 2013
I've read the reviews of others and I was surprised to see such a strong polarizing. People either loved or completely hated the film. I am no expert in Russian Navy protocol, subs or war in general, so that is probably why I liked it. I didn't like it too much, though; even if it has a stellar cast, it is rather average and that is how I will rate it. However I see it as a decent sub movie.

To summarize a few reviews, people hated the American actors that pretended to be Russians without Russian accents. That is so ridiculous that I will not even deign it with an analysis. If you can't like a story unless sugar spooned to you, then it's your problem. Then there were people that reported erroneous depictions of Russian life, beliefs and reality in the 60's. I can't argue with that, but then again, the slip-ups were minor and one can easily ignore them if having good intentions. The rest of the film was pretty much a combination of Red October and The Abyss (how come nobody noticed that? :) ) which were both movies I liked.

Bottom line: I considered this film a reasonable achievement, even before I learned it was an independent film with only 18$mil as a budget. I personally liked it and can't account for many negative issues with the movie. Is it awesome? No. But I had fun watching it and was not bored at all.
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