Did Deols Seriously forgot to Watch the First one?
14 July 2013
Oh where to begin with this one.... I absolutely loveeed the first one. The cast, crew, direction, songs, and the storyline were brilliant on that one. Unfortunately this sequel was a DISASTER.

I was sooo excited to hear that most of the original cast was in this one too and they tied in my fav. new hottie Neha Sharma and Anu Kapoor. But my expectations fell soooo short. I wanted to give a TIGHT slap to the story writer(s) and the director. What were they smoking? You have this elite trio of Deol family which could've been a start of awesome comedy series but instead the time and money was completely wasted.

Seriously no one likes cheap gimmicks like putting in a fake monkey, over-exaggerated thugs wanna-be's, cheap references to Salman Khan's movies. Why even bother making a film if the result would be this disastrous?
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