My favorite part of seeing Disney and Pixar films in the theater is getting to see the animated shorts that often precede them!
17 July 2013
'THE BLUE UMBRELLA': Four and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

Another magical Disney/Pixar computer animated short; this one tells the story of two umbrellas that fall in love in a rainy/singing city. The blue umbrella must brave all sorts of harsh weather conditions in order to unite with the object of his affection (a red umbrella). The film was directed by Saschka Unseld, who's worked in the animation department on such popular Pixar animated features as 'TOY STORY 3', 'CARS 2' and 'BRAVE'. It's a seven minute short that debuted in theaters before 'MONSTERS UNIVERSITY' and it features a new rendering technique for lighting, shading and compositing called global illumination. The visuals are breathtaking and the music (by Jon Brion) is very moving. It's not quite as inspiring and emotionally moving as Disney's greatest animated short film ('PAPERMAN', from last year) but it's still an enormously impressive animated work of art that is far superior to the feature it accompanied, once again (in my opinion). My favorite part of seeing Disney and Pixar films in the theater is getting to see the animated shorts that often precede them. This one didn't let me down.

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