Great heart felt movie. Deserved an Oscar nod.
19 July 2013
My honey rented this movie and I had very low expectations. The movie started off with me expecting a story about a spoiled rich kid. It quickly transformed into a story about the struggles of young lost girl who returned home to a drunken mother. Still I thought, what a rich spoiled brat, but then she took a job caring for a retired sheriff with Alzheimer's. Her transformation and the story of a man trying to remember his past sucked you in!

Maggie Grace does a phenomenal job in her role. It's quite a true performance and shows her true abilities! Above and beyond Taken. Hal Holbrok at 85 years old put's in a great performance. His skill sucks you in and you really feel his plight!

The final message at the end, was trans-formative and compelling! I give this movie 9 out of 10 stars!
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