Psychological fever-dream.
22 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Quite 'nice', while a lot of the time utterly confusing. About a young man who is searching for a particular song, or maybe his father, or maybe his true self? He encounters many figures and places, where there are many contrasts: his diligent mother versus a disturbed prostitute, a (n endless) ocean versus an (endless) desert, a young boy versus a grown man, but also, there are lots of balls (wich apparently resemble pregnancy stones, some with lots of string around them), a long red string that turns up everywhere (I assume this is a Biblical reference?) and many female, male and childlike figures that begin to haunt the boy/man. It all culminates in a scene where he is chasing mad figures with a sword, but finally he ends up in the desert watching children play in the distance...

The use of children's tunes versus the ominous heavy rock (another contrast) reminded me of Argento's horror films, even if there isn't a drop of blood spilt here. This is certainly one to watch again (and again and again, I gather), I'm looking forward to it already.

A big 8 out of 10 for now - edit- a small 9 out of 10 should work as well.
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