Not a bad sequel, in fact quite entertaining, but very flawed and misses the mark
23 July 2013
Creature from the Black Lagoon isn't a perfect film but it is a lot of fun and one of the better monster movies of the 50s. Revenge of the Creature misses the mark in comparison, but there are definitely worse sequels out there, it is better than its reputation and while The Creature Walks Among Us(the other sequel) needs to be re-watched I do remember Revenge being better than that. The story is not as good or as suspenseful this time round, it takes too long to set up, while the romance is very half-baked and the monster is used a little too much which dissipates the impact. The dialogue wasn't a strong point in the original, but it still wasn't anyway near as corny and awkward as the dialogue here. John Ager also gives a very wooden lead performance. It is however well photographed- as with the original the underwater sequences do look wonderful- and solidly directed with extravagant locations, and the monster still looks good(one of the better man-in-a-monster-suit monsters of any 50s monster movie) and manages to be menacing and sympathetic even in surroundings that are not quite as effective this time around. The score succeeds in exuding haunting atmosphere and jaunty energy, and there are some good set pieces with the monster, especially with the overturned car and aquarium. Also the shower motel sequence with it watching, not quite as scary as it lurking beneath the sea watching Julie Adams swimming on her own in the original, but it's the closest it gets to anything as effective as that. Like Creature from the Black Lagoon the characters are not particularly well-developed, the leads in fact are very underdeveloped, but they don't annoy either. Lori Nelson does acquit herself quite well, filling in big shoes and doing so quite admirably, while Clint Eastwood in his first screen role makes a brief but interesting appearance. Overall, has a lot wrong with it but not a bad sequel. 5.5/10 Bethany Cox
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