The Wolverine (2013)
Do Hara-Kiri (or better, Mangold could have done)
24 July 2013
First of all, my two favourites superheroes ever are Spiderman and Wolverine. Hence it's sad to me see that sometimes they do weak movies with these characters. I agree that the Tim Story's The fantastic four, Daredevil, Elektra, Spiderman 3, Ang Lee's Hulk and first Wolverine weren't too good, a bit silly but at least they were funny and entertaining. The major problem with this The Wolverine is that it's boring as hell, primarily the 40 minutes in the center of the story; the final twist is very predictable; the plot it's too easy; and they could have make the most of the Viper character. I liked 3:10 to Yuma, Copland and Walk the line and found amusing Night and Day, but James Mangold isn't an appropriate director for a Marvel movie. The best part is the extra scene few after the ending credits begin(I don't spoil it, don't worry) Values added are the beauty of Tao Okamoto that I think it's accurate to the Chris Claremont/John Byrne depiction of Mariko in the comic-books and Rila Fukusima performs a correct sidekick as Yukio. I bet that (sadly) there's not going to be a third Wolverine movie because this one is going to bomb at the box office. Specially after the first week word of mouth. My recommendation: as I would like to see a third one (hoping to see finally a good Wolverine movie), go to watch it, but if I have to be honest, save your money and wait to see it at home (cause is going to be cheaper the waste).
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