A Separate Peace (2004 TV Movie)
More like a BBC
27 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this movie with very low hopes, seeing that most of the IMDb reviews called it trash. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? I thought it was a very good adaptation. Here are my thoughts:

The High Points: Overall, the film was presented in as normal a way as possible, without big screen stars and fancy CGI to pretty it up. It struck me more like a BBC film, which I prefer. I felt that the four friends were good, especially Leper, who captured the lovable innocence that I felt there was in the character. Some key points were missing, like Gene taking off the layers of clothing when Finny returns, and the encounter with Quackenbush, but still, the acting was excellent. I also liked the soundtrack, everything from moody piano to "Hold that Tiger." Pity the soundtrack isn't released on CD.

The Low Points: The missing points which I mentioned earlier, plus the fact that Gene's narrations only occur at the beginning and the end. I think Gene should have narrated throughout, to convey his thoughts about Finny. When I watched the movie with my family, my grandmother was confused as to why Gene knocked Finny out of the tree. My mom, grandpa, and I had read the book, so we understood, but if you haven't read the book, you wouldn't understand. The other big change which I didn't like was Gene's confrontation with Leper, which rather than taking place at his house, occurs in a little survival hut built by the insane Leper in the woods. Leper is very straightforward there about his feelings which showed the actor's talent, but not so much the Leper from the book.

If you get this movie, do not judge it by the other reviews. See it for yourself. You may be pleasantly surprised as I was.

9/10 for some key points missing.
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