Review of The Mark

The Mark (I) (2012)
Correct Idea Regarding the Mark
28 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a Christian I like watching Christian films. If you are a non-Christian please take that into consideration before watching this movie. I have a lot of Christian movies at home. I have seen "End Time/Eschatology" movies like one, the old, "A Thief in the Night," series, The Cloud Ten Pictures, (Apocalypse, Tribulation, Revelation, & Judgment), Left Behind I,II,III, and The Omega Code and Megiddo, The Omega Code II. My personal favorites are, "A Thief in the Night," "Judgment," "The Omega Code," and Left Behind I, II is OK also.

This movie is not at the bottom of the list, but there are serious flaws in the actual plot. In all of this I do not believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Mid-Tribulation, or when Jesus actually returns is more as I believe in. The movie, "The Omega Code," with Michael York is probably closest to my personal beliefs regarding Eschatology.

The flaws of this movie for me is not the acting, nor is the main idea of the Mark a problem for me. The problem for me is the actual writing of the Plane sequence. That plane sure flew a long time without a pilot! The pilot was raptured and the plane kept going. I am not a plane expert, but the way they got into the cockpit did not seem believable to me.

OK, this movie is fun to watch. It has a little too much violence for a kid to see, but it the ideas are pretty interesting and it is not a complete waste of time. There are movies that are boring, and this one is not. Also, there has been a lot of "F" words and "S" words in recent movies, (like Argo), and this one does not contain Stupid, unnecessary foul language. I am beginning to hate movies that stupidly put in 27 or 45 "F" words!
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