Should be the Yawn-enstein theory...
29 July 2013
Welcome to the best way of wasting 87 minutes that you will surely never, ever get back in any possible way. This movie was horrible and just lacked any chance of ever being interesting.

The movie is sort of a pseudo-documentary, but the problem is that the movie never manages to take off, and just heads ahead in a speed that is not even a trot. The movie takes forever to get nowhere, and if you don't die from boredom along the ride, you might just die from the absolute sheer lack of purpose there is to the movie.

Essentially, this is just a bunch of people sitting around in various locations and discussing rather pointless and uninteresting things, in regards of Mary Shelley and the Frankenstein myth.

This is without a doubt one of the worst movies I have ever had to suffer through, and I wouldn't wish this upon anything. So a word of warning, you should have an excessive interesting in the Frankenstein myth or have some particular connection to any of the actors or actresses in the movie (or possibly even the director) to find any kind of enjoyment and amusement in this movie.

This was suffering to sit through, to say the least.
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