Little Dorrit (1987)
Good for its time.
29 July 2013
I discovered a video version of the 1988 film after my second viewing of the 2008 TV drama and found it to be bitterly disappointing in comparison. But then I realized that 20 years had elapsed and it would have been surprising if the TV version were not better. After all they had one of the best adapters of Dickens ever in Andrew Davies and now have digital technology to assist in the production. All I remember in 1988 is that I thought the film was wonderful; I now think that the TV drama was sublime! To be self indulgent I would compare the performances of the actors in the main characters as follows: Amy Dorrit - about equal; William Dorrit about equal, but Alec Guiness is sooo good; Fanny Dorrit - TV; Mrs Murdle - film; Alfred Dorrit - film; Flora Finching - TV (but only because Miriam M is made to over-act); Arthur Clennam - equal; Mrs Clennam - TV; Flintwinch - TV (again, because Max Wall is allowed to overdo it). But then - what do I know! The music deserves a mention, with the TV drama being vastly superior.
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