Not enough research?
1 August 2013
I was very excited about this movie when I first saw the trailer, a) because I work in the craft beer industry, but also b) because with the popularity of craft beer in the last few years there haven't been any mainstream movies other than documentaries about it, so the idea was original. Not to mention the casting was great in my opinion.

I had heard they did extensive research about the craft beer industry before making the movie so everything would seem legitimate, my question is why is Jake Johnson wearing an old style hat the entire time? A craft brewer, from revolution I believe, wearing a macro beer brand who is owned by a huge corporation that is actively trying to shut down craft breweries and going as far as buying them up just to discontinue their product and thus competition. No way! I know it's not a big deal, but definitely an oversight that lasted the entire film.

Also I enjoyed the use of other breweries beer and apparel such as; Founders, 3 Floyd's, Half Acre, Allagash, Abita, Avery, etc. but it seemed a little forced that a brewer would be wearing and drinking that many different brands where seldomly seen representing his own.

These are all probably nit-picky things for most but maybe others in the industry can identify.

Lastly, the timeline seemed to move very fast, this was a rather short and fast paced movie to begin with, but some things weren't as meaningful or believable because of their fast pace. Not to mention the ending was abrupt and a bit of a let down.

That being said, I still thought it was a good movie and would recommend it to people both in the industry and those who aren't as there is someone for everyone.
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