Tales of Tomorrow: Flight Overdue (1952)
Season 1, Episode 26
Cruel and Obsessive
2 August 2013
Veronica Lake as the Amelia Earhart figure in this episode is so driven and so cruel, it's hard to understand what the guy in the story saw in her, other than having her and attaching himself to her fame. The story unfolds as we are told she has done amazing feats no woman has ever done as an aviatrix. Each time a new challenge comes forth, she begins to drool and look to the sky. There's no talking her out of anything. He is the typical fifties kind of guy, expecting his woman to settle down to dull life with him now that she has achieved all this fame. He is a dullard who hovers over a short-wave radio day after day, listening to a mass of gibberish which he cannot interpret. His new wife wants some closure so they can get on with their lives. Also, there is a housekeeper, left over from the old days, who sulks around like the woman in Hitchcock's "Rebecca," remembering the past and wishing it to be the way it was. She also holds some secrets. Enter an old friend to explain this talky offering.
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