He Loved an Actress (II) (1938)
A Sleeper
25 July 2013
Yup, put me to sleep. I cannot imagine anyone actually wasting all 71 minutes of this movie's time to watch it. Has anyone who has seen this on VHS or DVD ever really watched it without ANY fast-forwarding? This is another example of the lead side of Hollywood's Golden Age. The only time this thing lit up for me was when Harry Langdon was on. And he is on screen very, very little. And they waste him.

Langdon is just as fascinating in 1938 as he was in the mid-1920s. But he has nothing to do. It appears he improvised what little time the writers and director gave him. And I have to give him credit; with nothing going for him, he is spellbinding to watch--for those few seconds here and there when he appears...

The movie is mostly the characters talking their way through the story, which I consider the worst kind of movie-making. The musical numbers are based on some nice surreal ideas, but the routines are too long and the dancing never takes off.

This is not even a movie for Langdon completists. Or Lupe Velez fans for that matter. (She only gets to rave and throw things one time in the whole movie, and then acts embarrassed about it.)

Would someone PLEASE convince SOMEBODY to release Langdon's Hal Roach shorts?!
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