Your average reality show with an interesting subject
9 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I would be surprised if this becomes a hit. There are simply too many reality shows on now. As we all know the characters on these shows are real but can never be trusted to be doing actual real stuff that really happened. This show is in line with that. Its obvious some of the situations have been coerced or re-enacted. It gets a little silly at times in its logic. But so far I have enjoyed the first three episodes of it. Even if much of it is faked, it is an interesting depiction of characters! Part of the charm is the area it takes place in, the border of West Virginia and Kentucky. This is a beautiful part of the country. That alone keeps my interest. I find the people in this area to be very interesting as well. I don't really live that far from there.

One thing that I was thrown by was this. The McCoys and Hatfields depicted here seem to already have plenty of money. Or at least they have a lot of nice assets and estates! They seem to be more well off than me anyway, and I'm a city slicker who thought I was going to see a bunch of hillbillies. I think these people are more well off and some more educated then the average American. That was somehow disappointing.

Let me add, that it some way Courtney McCoy is hot! I find it humorous the clothes they put her in though. Or maybe she picks them herself. She is the babe element of the show.

All in all it is an average realty show and nothing special. I am familiar with and enjoy moonshine so that also caught my interest. I did enjoy the historical part of the show, if it is actually true. One never knows about these modern reality shows. You cant trust anyone, let alone a Hatfield or McCoy!
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