Robert McKimson in feline mode
10 August 2013
McKimson has done better, Kiddin' the Kitten can lag at times and the kitten's character design is not that appealing being somewhat too anaemic. The animation generally is very good though, it bounces along, is detailed and bursts with lots of vibrant colour. The music is lushly orchestrated and very characterful, giving Kiddin' the Kitten the energy that the pacing doesn't quite do. The writing is not as rapid fire, razor sharp quality as other Looney Tunes and McKimson efforts but it is still fresh and witty with Dodsworth getting the best lines. The gags still amuse and are not too predictable, at least as well they are not too drawn out either. Dodsworth is a funny and charismatic character, the fatter and more slovenly Sylvester description is perfectly apt, that didn't get enough of a chance. The kitten is far more likable than it is in the follow-up Peck o'Trouble(also good but not a classic), though it is not as funny as Dodsworth. The mice are very cute. The voice acting is terrific, Sheldon Leonard is note-perfect as Dodsworth and Mel Blanc has much more to do than Peck o' Trouble and is funnier as a result. The presence of Bea Beanderet is another plus. In conclusion, Kiddin' the Kitten is a nice cartoon and ends on a good note, and it and Dodsworth deserve a better chance. But it falls short of classic status and McKimson has definitely done better. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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