Review of Whaledreamers

Whaledreamers (2006)
11 August 2013
A Maori shaman, with financial help from Julian Lennon holds a gathering of obese tribal elders from all over the globe.

Each participant gets up, gives a pretentious long-winded speech on theme of unity and performs a potent magic ceremony. This goes on and on and on and on.

Eventually, they decide to do some whale dreaming. This consists of jumping up and down, shouting and singing on the edge of an ocean cliff until someone spots a whale. They successfully spotted a whale, declared it a miracle and rejoiced with much rejoicing.

The tedium is periodically broken with some spectacular underwater shots of extreme closeups of a majestic southern right whale.

You hear a little about land claims, prejudice and injustice. One South American rain forest tribe promised to commit mass suicide if a large corporation would not get off their backs. They succeeded "with their singing" according to the movie. They sang a song whose words claimed the world would end if ever the song ended. It eventually did, and the earth carried on.

They are a brutalised little band. They are so addled they imagine magic ceremonies are the only way to solve their problems.
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