One of My Favorites
12 August 2013
This is truly one of the best Twilight Zone episodes. I absolutely love every last bit of it. It is eerily similar to the world we live in today, and for that reason I find it incredible to be from the sixties. It is almost as if Rod Serling and his wondrous cast of writers had a crystal ball with which they looked into the future.

As someone said before, there are a series of books by Scott Westerfield entitled "Uglies", "Pretties", "Specials", and "Extras". I read them when I was younger before I ever saw this TZ episode.

It is identical in every way. In fact, I whole heartedly believe Westerfield's mind was sparked by this episode. Otherwise he and this episode's author must have been smoking the same. LOLZ only kidding.

Nevertheless, one of the best TZ hands down--and that is coming from a true fan.

I totally recommend you to watch it.
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