The Irony Of Propaganda
14 August 2013
This is based on a true story of FBI agent Matt Cvetic who spent nine years undercover infiltrating the American communist party. Unlike so many films based on a true story there is a lot of artistic license involved by unlike so many other films the exaggerations seen here are so exaggerated that they become painfully amusing if not laugh out loud funny

The American communist party members are portrayed as being entirely hypocritical . When we're introduced to the party hierarchy at a hotel room a long table filled with champagne and caviar . Hmmm not an entirely long stretch to believe that that reds are hypocrites . What does become shocking is when one of the party chiefs uses the N word quite freely because the party needs African Americans to take part in race riots to overthrow the capitalist state . On top of that it also means party funds will increase . They also want to beat up strikebreakers and a cunning plan to do this by walloping people over the head with Jewish newspapers hence the Jews will get blamed

" Wow blaming ethnic minorities for something Theo . That sounds a bit like that Hitler bloke "

Oh indeed and on top of that one of the those filthy communist traitors is of a German background and gets told to start up a Nazi organization same as he did ten years previously so the Communists can use agitation to stir up the masses . Don't worry about being classed as a fascist comrade because Hitler and Stalin teamed up in 1939 . There is some truth in this but feeling the need to portray communists of all ilks as being cynical moral degenerates you almost expect them to start up a paedophile ring: " Comrade lets us stand out the high school gates giving out candy to thirteen year olds " - " Comrade are you stupid ? Don't you realise kids are past it at thirteen ? "

Nominated for documentary feature because in those days no one was too fussy what qualified as a documentary this is a true life story that has so much artistic license you'd think it was produced by some sort of one party Orwellian state . Americans from this period did indeed have an irony defincey
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