Vampire attacks?
18 August 2013
2002 The Case of the Whitechapel Vampire Sherlock Holmes investigates a series of death rumored to be caused by a vampire. He makes fun of religion right off. He claims he is agnostic.

A religious brother invites Sherlock to investigate a vampire who is killing church members a Whitechapel.

The brother claims to be a man of god but he has a storage room of all kinds of statues to other gods and liberal attitudes. So contradictory.

The costumes of the sisters and brothers look terrible compared with others. To add more insult the religious brother that is killed is said to have fallen on a Cross and that is how he got bleeding neck injuries.

In this movie a man who played in the Sign of Four- Inspector Jones is someone who is easy to dislike. He hates Sherlock he is loud and angry when he talks. He is just another actor over acting to make an impression.

This movie was better then the Sign of Four. There was not a whole lot of nonsense in it. I was very surprised with the ending. Sherlock loses his pipe which is way to long but at the end through some miracle gets it returned by a person named "Mr Church".

Watson tried to convince Sherlock to believe in a fortune tellers prediction. That was a downer for me but I am not surprised Arthur Doyle believed in mediums, spiritualist etc. He went to Catholic schools but did not practice his faith.

So like my mother would say "Consider the source."
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