The Sound of Mario
18 August 2013
In an old German kingdom, the arranged marriage between handsome prince Edmund Purdom (as Karl Franz) and a wealthy princess is canceled. He has proved himself amorous enough to produce sons, but Mr. Purdom is found to be lacking in "warmth and charm" by the potential bride. To work on these qualities, Purdon is sent to college and becomes "The Student Prince (in Old Heidelberg)". Unfortunately for his royal subjects, Purdom falls in love with beautiful, but common barmaid Ann Blyth (as Kathie Ruder). When summoned home during a crisis, Purdom must choose between love and duty...

This film was supposed to star operatic superstar Mario Lanza, who made a big screen splash for MGM with "The Great Caruso" (1951). Alas, Mr. Caruso was fired due to problems with both an expanding ego and an expanding waistline. With an appetite for destruction, he died of a heart attack in 1959 (at age 38). Fortunately, Caruso began by recording all the vocals for this production, reportedly in single takes. The studio wisely included them in the soundtrack and Lanza's received a screen credit larger than anyone who actually appeared in the film. His vocals are outstanding and the story remains engaging...

Put in the unenviable role of "lip-synching" Caruso's singing, Purdom handles the assignment well. He obviously doesn't match the excitement in Lanza's voice; nor is he in possession of the inherent charisma brought to the role by the likes of Wallace Reid or Ramon Novarro, who starred in "silent" versions of this story in 1915 and 1927. However, Purdom's good looks kept him before the camera and his acting skills grew. To be painfully honest, Lanza wouldn't have impersonated the prince well. The MGM cast and crew is in fine form, and character actor S.Z. Sakall (as "Uncle" Ruder) delivers a delightful last appearance.

******* The Student Prince (6/15/54) Richard Thorpe ~ Edmund Purdom, Ann Blyth, Mario Lanza, S.Z. Sakall
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