Time Warrior (2012)
Even I Could've Done Better aka Ignore This Movie...
21 August 2013
Wow.... What a waste of time this movie was! I really can't imagine anyone is able to love this movie, because all what makes a movie a great time isn't there. Even when you are a video-games addict, you better keep on playing and ignore this flick. It's lacking an attractive scenario, most texts here are totally missing sense and therefore needless. And I even don't dare to mention the acting. Sorry people, but almost the complete acting troupe (announced as 'fresh teen cast') caused me so much irritations that every moment was a struggle for survival. However, I completed the full 90 minutes, simply because I couldn't accept the fact that this movie also would end in boredom. But it did and so i ended stressful. And that's why i had to write these words here, to warn you. To let you make another choice of movie, or playing a video-game instead. I dare to say that even I would have made a better movie with a budget of $ 850.000, with a promising young Dutch cast that is able to convince it's public. So red cards for anyone who is responsible for creating such a mess as 'Time Warrior'. That makes this also a waste of money.. (2 out of 10 because I like the blond hairs, green eyes & travel spirits of Mayhem model Thomas Graninger, playing sk8erboy & 'superhero' Matthew Evans, and the VFX and CGI effects weren't completely bad). I did prepare my 90 minutes 'Time Warrior' by visiting the movie website, so maybe all those site quotes created too much expectations with me, like 'A new intense teenage Sci-fi saga' and above all: 'The movie was planned from the beginning as a movie franchise. It leaves the door open for a more powerful sequel to be created in the near future. The movie can definitely become a huge success and it may lead to the birth of a new super hero...' Director Rodriguez' twitter account, labeled @TimeWarriorMov, isn't that successful with 90 tweets & 19 followers... Bad signs tough, for a 'masterfully produced Sci-fi-action-adventure feature film, carefully crafted to target the full teenage and gamer market of ages 12 to 35'...

quotes from: www.timewarriormovie.com
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