The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven roosting-places
22 August 2013
A bomb goes off in the forest. News spreads rapidly and soon all the animals of the forest and a nearby egg ranch are busy in the war effort in this well-deserved Academy Award nominee.

If you've read my reviews of other Terrytoons, you'll know I'm not a great fan of that company's cartoons. They reuse too many gags and stories and aim their work at small, well-behaved children and I'm more a Looney Tunes & Early Fleischer fan. However, this World War Two propaganda film shows what Paul Terry's staff was capable of. The pacing of the gags is rapid, and some are very sharp. Two of them are new to me and actually made me laugh out loud; one involves the moon and the other spraying some flowers.

Terry's studio was not the only cartoon studio that turned out offbeat and very funny cartoons to celebrate our involvement. Disney's DER FUEHRER'S FACE is unexpectedly rude and the Private Snafu cartoons involved the talents of almost every factory.

This cartoon never challenges its G rating, its simple chorale score nor the lush, candy-box illustrations that Terry's most expensive work in this period aspired to. Nonetheless, it is very funny.
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