Airborne (2012)
What a terrible movie! 1/10
25 August 2013
Review: This movie is pretty poor. It takes ages to get going, and once it does, it isn't anything special. All of the characters are bloody annoying, along with the poor storyline which leads to nothing. Mark Hamill isn't ageing gracefully, and I definitely expected more from him after starring as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise. It wold have been much better if they had left it as a who dunnit, but the director decided just to make it as a pointless thriller which gets a bit tedious after a while. The explanation on why the passengers switch, makes the movie even more pathetic and a waste of time. Disappointing!

Round-Up: What ever did happen to Mark Hamill? After Star Wars his career really didn't kick off, which must upset him because Harrison Ford became a superstar. All of the other actors in the film couldn't really shine because the script was appalling. I'm glad that the film was short because it was going downhill from the beginning.

Budget: $1.2million Worldwide Gross: N/A

I recommend this movie to people who like there disasters on a plane type of movies, but don't expect anything special. 1/10
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