The Suckers (1972)
not good enough
29 August 2013
This is really, just not good enough. I have seen other 'Vinegar Syndrome' and this is pretty inferior. Anthony Spinelli's, 'Confessions', for instance, screams 70s cinema and tells a simple story, with heavy scenes of sex without insulting one's intelligence. Here the scenes are too slow and too long - maybe cutting this down to 60 minutes might have been an idea - and there is too much dialogue, which is all bad.

The girls are nice enough and the early scenes OK to begin with but then this 70s sexploitation take on 'A Dangerous Game' does take till beyond halfway to even get to the actual hunt. There is some novelty in the capturing but nothing like it could have been. As for the title, I assume this is a reference to the easily deceived, although I suppose it might be intended as a double meaning and be suggesting even more of what it doesn't deliver.
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