Dirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy
31 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This OVA sees the final case for the original Dirty Pair; Yuri and Kei. It is in fact two cases that could be linked; space flight number 005 has been destroyed and everybody aboard is reported killed but mysteriously not a single relative has made and an insurance claim and at the same time a scientist and his family have vanished from the planet Zahl. Inevitably it isn't long before the two cases are linked and the pair head off to establish whether or not the scientist is still alive. Not surprisingly when they learn the truth behind the conspiracy a legion of bad guys are out to kill them but despite all the destruction they make it out alive; something that can't be said for some of the good guys they find themselves working with.

If you are after lots of laughs this Dirty Pair OVA might disappoint as it is more serious than usual and features an ending that is probably the saddest of any of their stories to date; that doesn't mean there are no laughs, just less than usual. This is made up for with a better plot and plenty of action; action that is more gripping than comic. There are a few shocks too; most notably when a friend of Kei's consumes her spiked drink and his head explodes… mercifully just out of screenshot! The animation was of the usual fairly high standard and I thought the English voice cast did a decent job despite preferring my anime subbed. Overall I think this was one of the best 'Dirty Pair' stories although people wanting slapstick, lots of gags and fan-service might disagree.
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